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Product information "[SALE] Oak Ridge Tikana 56inch Hybrid"

The Oak Ridge Tikana is a short, 56inch, hybrid bow. Meaning it has elements of both a recurve and a longbow. With it's short length and range of also low drawweights this is a perfect bow for young archers with a short drawlength. The riser of this bow is ambidexter wich makes the bow suited for both left and right handed archers.

This bow comes with:
- A 56inch fast flight string
- A traditional arrow rest
- 2 Nockingpoints

Specifications Oak Ridge Tikana:

  • Bowlength: 56inch
  • Drawweights: 20 - 50lbs (in steps of 5 lbs)
  • Use: Ambidexter
  • Riser: Ebony with a leather grip
  • Limbs: Bamboo with clear fiberglas
  • String: Fast Flight
  • Brace height: 7 inch